
Science Fiction and Fantasy Books and Author reviews.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Charles de Lint

Urban Fantasy Maestro. Canadian, so his writing is somehow less edgy (or dirty) than say the British writers in general, but somehow they come across with a sense of realism that is refreshing. He tackles a lot of hard, difficult topics like homelessness, rape, outsiders and the counter culture movements and he does it with flair.

A variety of books, most set within an urban (read city) environment. Very well written, very believable and likeable characters. Definitely one of th best authors we have out there in this genre. His books are not action packed, gun wielding types so it might not be for everyone, but if you like thoughtful, well written character driven books, then definitely pick up one of his.

I suggest Onion Girl or a collection of his short stories as a good starting point.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Just a quick update post for this one

Yay! A site to check out on tons of information.

I'm feeling redundant

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Mission

This here blog is my post for all things Science Fiction and Fantasy. Aka my Fanbox.

So from discussion Science Fiction and Fantasy authors to genres within each form to specific books I'm reading, this blog will let me put my thoughts into writing.